
Your Support Means The World To Us!

The Midwest Theater provides the best in film and live theater thanks to your support. We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit and operate primarily from financial donations from community members and businesses. This support allows us to keep this history of Midwest Theater alive for generations to come. Words cannot explain the appreciation we have for our donors. Simply said, we can not do this without you! All donations to Midwest Theater are tax deductible.

Member & Sponsorship Opportunities

Let's Be Friends

Friends of the Midwest Theater was organized in 1998 to keep the historic movie theater on Broadway in downtown Scottsbluff a vital part of the community. 

Your friendship means continued programming that will entertain and enlighten our community for years to come!

Be An Event Sponsor

The Midwest Theater serves the community with film, performing arts and educational opportunities throughout the year. All this is made possible with the support of the community through event sponsorships.

Kindly consider sponsoring an event to support our theater.

Thank you for your consideration in supporting Midwest Theater.

Kindly contact us for additional information or to set up a sponsorship.